Look after You.

Within the past couple of years I’ve seen the term ‘Self Care’ shared so many times, whether it be in an Instagram post of a friend doing a face mask, or some self help “guru” telling you to try yoga and have kale with every meal. The truth is, though these can both be great ways of looking after your physical and mental well-being, it’s down to you to decide what works for you.

I’m an advocate for long baths and getting lost in a mindless TV show (who doesn’t love Netflix?) but I understand these aren’t helpful for some people. I know that getting out of the house takes my mind off of things, but sometimes anxiety kicks in and it’s not always possible. When you’re having a tough time with your mental health, it feels impossible to do even the smallest of tasks, just getting out of bed can be a struggle. But if you do, that is a victory in the self care department. It’s easy to feel defeated when things that work for others may not work for you, but celebrating these seemingly small victories is a great way to get over that mental hurdle.

Something I have learned over and over again is that looking after yourself is a journey, there will be times that everything falls into place but there will be times when you feel as though you’re back at square one. Don’t give up. Think about those things that work for you and try to encorporate just one of them into your day. Having this back catalogue of helpful ideas can really lift your spirits on a crappy day and looking after your mental health is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself.
